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Pet Surgery:
Spay and Neuter,
Soft Tissue and More

Pet Surgery in Roswell: Dogs Laying in the Grass

Whether it’s a preventative procedure like spay and neuter or something more complex, we cut no corners in any pet surgery. At Roswell Veterinary Associates, your pet’s safety, smooth recovery, and comfort are our priorities. While any surgery comes with inherent dangers, we do everything in our power to minimize risks.

Our Surgical Services

Our surgical capabilities cover almost any soft tissue surgery. The skilled veterinarians at our practice have a wealth of experience in a wide range of soft tissue surgery, so there’s not much we can’t do! Some of our procedures include:

  • Spay & Neuter

  • Growth Removal

  • Cystotomy

    (bladder stone removal)

  • Gastrotomy or Enterotomy

    (removal of a foreign object in the stomach or intestines)

  • Ophthalmology

    (surgeries involving the eyes)

  • And

  • Spay & Neuter

  • Growth Removal

  • Ophthalmology

    (surgeries involving the eyes)

  • Cystotomy

    (bladder stone removal)

  • Gastrotomy or Enterotomy

    (removal of a foreign object in the stomach or intestines)

  • And

Spay and neuter is likely the first surgery your pet will ever go through and offers significant medical and behavioral benefits. Typically, we recommend the surgery at about 6 months of age. However, some larger breed dogs benefit from a later surgery, so it's best to schedule a consultation appointment to discuss your options further!

*We do not offer debarking, ear cropping, or declawing (unless medically necessary)

Cryosurgery for Tissue Removal

Cryosurgery is a unique surgical option that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze diseased or infected tissue. We can use cryosurgery in place of conventional surgery for issues on the outer layer of the skin. Conditions it is useful for include:

  • Tumors

  • Cysts

  • Skin Tags

  • Skin Growths

Cryosurgery is a particularly good option for pets for whom regular surgery is too high a risk. Senior pets, very young pets, and those with some medical conditions are vulnerable to many complications during traditional surgery. Cryosurgery typically requires only local anesthesia and often only one procedure is needed. The frozen skin naturally erodes and falls off in the course of a few weeks following the surgery.

Pet Surgery in Roswell: Cat Sitting on the Floor
Pet Surgery in Roswell: Kitten Sleeping on a Rug

Comfort and Safety From Start to Finish

Traditional surgery requires anesthesia which can cause problems of its own. Typically, pets who are either very young, very old, or with pre-existing medical conditions are more at risk for anesthetic complications. However, no matter what surgery, we perform a pre-operative exam and bloodwork to assess your pet’s overall health and ensure they are fit enough to handle anesthesia.

The comfort of your pet also plays a role in safety. We perform pet surgeries on heated tables with warm blankets to not only keep your pet cozy but help to stabilize their body temperature, too. Additionally, we have dedicated and trained staff to specifically monitor your pet’s vitals throughout the procedure. We look at their heart rate, respiration, body temperature, blood pressure and more. If any change occurs, we’ll know right away and act accordingly.

Managing Your Pet's Pain

Pain medication is another important part of your pet’s comfort and smooth recovery. We administer pain medication before, during, and after the surgery so they wake with minimal to no discomfort. Furthermore, we offer therapeutic laser treatment after each surgery to speed up healing. We will also send the appropriate medication home with you to help them remain pain-free throughout recovery.

Post-Surgery Care

After any surgery, we will provide a detailed instruction sheet for ensuring your pet’s quick and full recovery. We tailor our instructions to suit both your pet’s needs and your abilities. Please follow it as closely as you can and always let us know if you have any questions!